What is it that you hunger and thirst after? – the good life, money, success? Be aware that your children will most likely pick up your value system. Your goals, desires, and aspirations will most likely become theirs.
The greatest influence for Jesus Christ upon my own life was my father. Everyday I was confronted with the reality of his commitment to Jesus Christ in our home. You see, the home is where you discover the reality of a person’s spirituality.
If you want to see what an animal is really like, you don’t go to the zoo or the circus. That’s where they’re on display. That’s where they perform. If you want to see what an animal is really like, you need to go to its natural habitat – its day-by-day environment.
If you want to find out what a Christian is really like, where do you go? You don’t go to the Church!! You go to his home. If you want to find out the sincerity of a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ and to following Biblical principles, you don’t ask his Pastor or Church leaders, you need to ask his wife and children.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that the reality of a person’s spirituality is not found in the church, but in the home. If our Christianity is going to be effective in reaching a lost world for Jesus Christ, then it must first prove itself in the Christian home.
As parents, we need to have a vital spiritual purpose for living and we need to be able to pass on that purpose to our children. Teach them convictions that are worth standing alone for. If our children do not have a purpose worth standing for, then they have absolutely nothing worth living for.
Give your children the desire to follow God’s ways by being a living demonstration of its truths and principles.
Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries
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