Jesus’ birth was providential. It was not a coincidence that He was born when He was. God’s timing is always perfect and when the fullness of the time was come – when the timing was exactly perfect – God sent forth His Son. Christ’s birth at Bethlehem was not an accident; it was an appointment: Jesus came in “the fullness of the time.”
And it’s no accident that you are alive today at this very point in history. Since God has a special purpose for your life, He has brought you into the world at just the right time in history to fulfill that purpose.
Donald Grey Barnhouse was speaking a series of meetings in a country church where the young pastor and his wife were expecting their first child. The pastor was absent during one of the meetings, but toward the close of the service he entered and sat at the back. Afterward Dr. Barnhouse went to his study and said, “Well, was it a boy or a girl?”
He replied, “Doctor, God has given me a son and I love that boy; but doctor, the baby has Down syndrome!”
Dr. Barnhouse took him to Exodus chapter 4 and read to him verse 11: “Who made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb or deaf, or the seeing or the blind? Have not I the Lord?” He then went on to explain that God had a special purpose for blessing them with this child.
The young pastor returned to the hospital. He had not yet told his wife about the child’s condition. A nurse heard him tell the doctor he was going in to see his wife in her room, and she told another nurse; and thus word got to the switchboard operator.
When the switchboard light went on, she listened in. The pastor’s wife called her mother and said, “Who made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb or deaf, or the seeing or the blind? Have not I the Lord?” And she explained that God had blessed them with a little Down Syndrome child.
The operator began to cry and slumped over the switchboard. The story went around the hospital. The following Sunday, about 50 nurses went to the minister’s church where he spoke on Exodus 4:11.
My friend, if God can use the birth of a little Down Syndrome child in such a significant way, just think of what He could do through your life were it to be totally surrendered to His will!
Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries
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