Category Archives: Marriage Covenant

“…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

Marriage serves to illustrate the very special relationship between Christ and the church. In marriage a woman is given a life long commitment by her husband (no divorce) just as Christ has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).

Marriage is the only permanent human relationship that God has ever established. God’s plan and design is that one man and one woman commit themselves to a relationship that is binding as long as they both shall live (Romans 8:2).

The Bible speaks of marriage as a covenant, not a contract (Proverbs 2:17; Malachi 2:14). A contract is something that can be voided by mutual consent; a covenant is something that can never be broken regardless of the circumstances. It is a life and death agreement which expresses the ultimate possible commitment which can be made between two persons. A contract is a legal agreement between two people, but a covenant is a spiritual commitment between you and God and your spouse. A contract may be voided by mutual consent if problems arise; but a covenant has no escape clauses.

Marriage is the only permanent human relationship that God has ever established. Your pastor is not permanent, your employer is not permanent, even your children are not permanent.

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If our Christian marriages are to be a representation to the world of the relationship between Christ and the Church, then we need to put the word “divorce” out of our vocabulary. We need to constantly reaffirm to our partner, our lifelong commitment and love.

Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries

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“For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away…” (Malachi 2:16).

The consequences of divorce is not limited to just the two people involved. It also has a detrimental affect upon children, churches, and society as a whole.

Many marriages are built upon nothing more than emotion. When difficulties arise and the emotion disappears, they have nothing to fall back on and they consequently divorce. Their reasoning is that since they are having difficulties, it would be better – for all involved – to end the relationship. But everyone has difficulties. Paul says, “But and if thou marry…such shall have trouble in the flesh” (1 Corinthians 7:28). Marriage problems are to be expected. They are inevitable. That is the reason why marriage must be viewed as a covenant rather than a contract.

A contract is a legal agreement between two people and can be voided by mutual consent if problems arise; but a covenant is a spiritual commitment between you and God and that other person. A covenant has no escape clauses. Marriage is a covenant – not a contract.

A covenant marriage understands that even when the emotions disappear, your commitment to that marriage makes you stay. Difficulties can be worked through. They can even serve to make your marriage stronger. Divorce is never the Biblical answer to solving marriage problems. Divorce creates its own unique set of problems that are often much worse than the first.

Russian-born Helen Richards told in a radio interview how she was placed in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. She described the terrible horrors of that place. After she was released, she met an American serviceman, and the two of them were married. They were married for 24 years when her husband had an affair, abandoned her; and then he asked her for a divorce. She said, “The hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life was that divorce. I’ve been through a Nazi concentration camp and a divorce, and I have to say, honestly, the divorce was the more terrible of the two experiences.” Isn’t that incredible?
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Don’t even consider walking away from your marriage. The consequences are far greater than you may realize. If you are experiencing difficulties, get help! But stay true to that commitment you made before God and determine to work through those difficulties Biblically.

A strong marriage is not the result of emotions or hormones; it’s the natural consequence of genuine love, respect, forgiveness and a host of other Christlike qualities learned along the way.

Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries

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“…Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant” (Malachi 2:14)

The Bible speaks of marriage as a covenant (Proverbs 2:17 Malachi 2:14), not a contract.

A contract is something that can be broken by mutual consent; a covenant is something that can never be broken regardless of the circumstances.

People sign a contract because there is responsibility on each side to meet certain conditions. One party is going to do “this,” and the other is going to do “that.” Each party says that he will take responsibility for a certain thing.

The tragedy is in people thinking of marriage as a contract instead of a covenant. They are thinking like this: “If you’re not giving me as much as I’m giving you, then I’m going to get a divorce.”

A contract is a legal agreement between two people, but a covenant is a spiritual commitment between you and God and that other person. A contract may be voided by mutual consent if problems arise. A covenant has no escape clauses.

Marriage is a covenant, not a contract! Marriage is not a 50/50 relationship. It requires 100% from each person. And if your spouse is only giving 20%, you still are responsible before God to contribute 100%.

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That’s part of the rich symbolism that’s represented in the marriage ceremony. That’s the reason behind why the congregation is divided in two. The groom’s family and friends sit on one side. The bride’s family and friends sit on the other side.

And when the couple have said their vows and the wedding ceremony is over, they walk out together between the congregation – between the two sides – symbolizing their binding covenant with each other.

A covenant is to be broken only by death. A proper marriage vow says essentially, “No matter what, we will stay together till death do us part.”

Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries

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